
Image Source: SlideShare Inc.

Following on from our recent post 50 Million Unique Lead Generation Opportunities In 3 Minutes Marketo Resources have just released an ebook illustrating 10 Tips For Using SlideShare For Lead generation.  With Content Marketing becoming increasingly important to educate and engage prospective customers we thought you might appreciate a summary of their tips to maximise Lead Generation from SlideShare.

10 Tips

  1. Be a Topic Expert for your presentation subject.
  2. Use your Title Slide as Your Headline.
  3. Optimise Your Presentations for SEO.
  4. Integrate with other Social Media Channels
  5. Have a Presentation Promotion Strategy Ready
  6. Promote Your Presentation Offline as well
  7. Repurpose your existing content into SlideShare presentations.
  8. Measure the results with Analytics
  9. Invest in and enable the SlideShare Forms Option.
  10. Add Your Presentations to LinkedIn.

You can download the ebook from Marketo by clicking here

If you would like help with your Lead Generation then Contact Us.